Although nobody knew what to expect, coronavirus has caused many companies to close, yet other companies to thrive.

Real Estate and Legal Services were no exception to this.

One common question we’ve received over the years is “why should I market when I’m already too busy?”

It is a valid question, but what is important to remember is that most industries are cyclical – meaning that they grow and shrink in cycles.

Take the 2008 real estate crash.

The companies that survived were the ones that had full pipelines due to the previous business they had attracted.

If you only think about marketing when you are not busy, it will be too little too late.

Instead, you should try to create some consistent marketing channels that always provide good times and bad.

This way, the volume just increases or decreases, and you scale up or down with it.

One of the best ways to do this is with your website.

But building and maintaining an effective website can be a time-consuming and expensive challenge by itself.

As such, here are 7 ways a TitleTap website can free up your time when you are already busy while creating a marketing channel that works for you always.

1. Fast and Easy Website Setup

Marketing agencies can take months and be very expensive to work with. Whereas, DIY website builders require you to do the work.

TitleTap takes the best of both worlds to give you a cost-effective website in weeks, not months.

This is because we only work with Title Companies and Law Firms, we have pre-written starter content, and also 125 blog articles about frequently Googled topics your ideal clients are searching for to help you be found online.

2. Email Website Updates

Many people forget that a website must be maintained.

For example, if people keep emailing Carol, your former office manager, from her bio on your website but she is no longer there, you are probably losing business.

Freelancers all too often disappear once a project is complete, and a marketing agency might charge you $100 per hour or more for simple changes.

With TitleTap, you get so many monthly changes with your plan. This way when something needs to be updated, simply email us the change, and it gets done.

3. Top-of-Mind Marketing

The service business world doesn’t work the same way as e-commerce or “want-based” business.

My wife buys shoes because she likes them, not because she needs them (a topic for another day).

With services, nobody is going to call, say a plumber unless they need one.

The same is true for attorneys and title agents. A prospect isn’t going to call you until they have a legal issue or are looking to purchase a home, respectively.

As such, it is your responsibility to stay in front of them, via email, billboard, or online ads until they have that issue or need your service.

Your goal is to make sure you are the first one they think of.

With TitleTap, one of our plans offers online ads specifically built to keep you top of mind as a service provider.

When they have that problem, you’ll be the first on their mind to call.

4. Integrations with Services You Already Use

This is so often overlooked by busy business owners and managers.

For example, do you get several phone calls about closing cost estimates? Why not make that self-service by linking up your Net Sheet Calculator on your website.

Or why not link your consultation form directly to your practice management software with the Clio WordPress plug-in or Qualia Closing software. It eliminates a step that would require double entry.

As a TitleTap website customer, you have access to our new Marketing Hub with common Spokes (integrations) that other title companies and law firms commonly use on their website.

5. Set Up a Process To Get More Online Reviews

It is a fact, almost 90% of people look at a company’s online reviews BEFORE working with them. So when the market does die down, guess who is going to get the business?

That’s right, the companies with the best reviews.

So take the time now to build a review strategy as it will be the best marketing you can do when the cycle ends.

One of our add-on products, FeedbackAutomatic, allows you to automate your review strategy by asking for feedback, allowing your customers to share those positive reviews publicly on Google, Avvo, and Facebook, and will sync with your website so your reviews are always up-to-date!

6. Measure Your ROI

Google Analytics is the most common service used to measure website results.

However, it has become more overwhelming and misleading over the years.

The fact is, your website’s return on investment isn’t about traffic or bounce rate. Yet that is the focus when you first sign in to Google Analytics.

Also, busy professional service providers don’t have time to go through pages of data and analyze it for clues about their business.

This is one of the reasons we created our tool Bottom Line Dashboard exclusively for our customers.

Now we track form submissions, how many calls you are getting from your website, and even how many hacks our firewall blocks for you.

TitleTap Website: Marketing and Time Saver

Beyond just a marketing channel, if you get the right website it can also be a time-saver for you. It isn’t about the time it takes, but the time it saves.

And in the long run, saving time and being your online marketing hub is key to long-term success.

Do you need a new website for your law firm or title company? Schedule a free demo to see if TitleTap is right for you.